Employment Opportunities for Disabled Persons:
Innovative Training and Technology
Notes of the 5th Project Meeting
Rome, 3-6 December 1999
For Consorzio AURORA:
2. Formal Welcome.
The formal welcome words were spoken by Prof. Stenta.
Prof. Stenta emphazised that this 5th EDIT-meeting was the last meeting of this project. Nevertheless, he stressed the fact that this meeting would also would the first meeting regarding the future collaboration between the partners of this EDIT project.
He stated that this meeting should be divided into two major items, being:
Christophe added the remark that this meeting also have to handle the dessiminiation results for those partners who are already in the dessimination phase.
Prof. Stenta mentioned that two journalists would attend the meeting in order to dessiminate the results of this 5th EDIT meeting as a message to a great part of the society. The journalists represented two different sectors of the Italian press, being:
Due to technical problems the two journalists were not able to attend the meeting. Anyhow, Prof. Stenta promised that he would send the summary of the meeting to the mentioned journalists, in order to allow them to publish this summary in their respective journals. Prof. Stenta also promised that he will send a copy of the published articles to all members of the EDIT project.
3. Notes of the 3th project meeting.
Reading of the notes of the previous meeting in Cagliari by all partners attending the meeting.
The notes are approved by all partners without remarks.
Since September, our efforts have been focussed on:
But it is not evident for deaf and hard of hearing persons to follow courses in a regular education centre, and this because of two reasons:
In combination with the fact that they have to follow these supplementary training out of office hours makes it very clear that supplementary education became nearly impossible for the deaf and hard of hearing people.
Thats why INDOGO started offering courses on informatics by the system of distance learning. By this way of working the student is working at any time, any place, any pace. He is working asynchronic with his tutor.
In practice, the structure of the collaboration was worked out as follows:
During the month of January we will organise a general (evaluation) working session at the centre where all the students will give their opinion about the system of distance learning as a whole. There they will give feedback concerning e.a. the content of the courses, the way of contact with the coach, the general feeling about the system of distance learning etc..
We are very proud to announce that until now the response of the candidates is unanimously very positive, and that until now nobody dropped out. This is a very important remark as all the candidates are following the courses on a voluntary basis. There are no obligations and there is no compensation in any way.
A question was asked by Christophe about the major purpose of this basic computer training. Stefaan answered by stating that this basic training justified a great need of most of the participating persons, as these skills that are achieved are of outmost importance as an answer to the nowadays demands on the labour market.
The general conclusions of the workshop were:
The most important conclusion of the workshops was the fact that the representatives of the profit sector acknowledged the two above mentioned statements. By the fact that we are working in a network, we sincerely hope that these conclusions will be flow through to the way of thinking of the executives in the profit sector, in such a way that they will change their "culture" about the relationship with disabled and low of skill people.
Out of his own experience Christophe testified that it is very important to adapt the training of the disabled person to the commercial demands of the actual economy. He subscribed the importance of a good collaboration between the profit and the non-profit sector. Therefore a guide with a sufficient commercial background could be an important additional help in the training of the disabled person.
Christophe put forward that his European project came to an end. The speech group was a great succes, with a lot of dynamic encounter, and a rising number of active members. As a result of the great need of contact between the members of the speech group, it was decided to go on with the speech group unless the fact that the French part of the project was ended.
For the future, the following proposition will be made in the point of view of the prolongation of the group activities:
4.3. CSSC
For the Sicilian partner Maria Terracina has given the progress report as Mr. Di Vona could only join the meeting on Sunday 5th. In CSSC, the second training course finished recently. The third course will start at the very begin of Januray 2000, ending in April 2000.
The main purpose of the course was to bring the students to a certain level of independency. To achieve this goal, the course has been split up into three phases, being:
4.4. Unimatica Confapi en Consorzio Aurora
In the absence of Mr. Sotgiu, Prof. Stenta gave the reading of the Unimatica Confapi and the Consorzio Aurora progress report. First of all he showed the CD which has been sent to about 6,000 organisations in Puglia, Sardinia and Sicily.
Handicapped students were trained to visit those firms who responded positively on the received CD. The students came out of 18 provinces from Puglia (5), Sicily (9) and Sardinia (4). Of all places, 4 students being younger than 32 years old and unemployed, were selected to meet the executive members of all kinds of organisations. As the sensibilisation of the profit sector is the major purpose, the CD-ROM contained two major parts, being:
By using this CD, the handicapped students have a concrete tool to find a job on the regular labour market.
The visited firms received also a questionnaire to evaluate the impact of the CD on their decisions in the frame of the recrutement policy. The major research lines of the questionnaire were:
If the result of this project is positive, comparable actions will be executed on regional scale, out of the European context.
The questionnaire used will be translated into the English language and will be sent to all the other partners.
5. Summary and conclusions of the Rome meeting.
The first part of the meeting was dedicated to the progress reports of all the EDIT partners. These reports contained for most of the partners not only the research progres made since past September (Cagliari meeting), but included also some dessimination acts, except for the Belgian partner for whom the project will be prolonged into the year 2000. The first six months will be dedicated to do further research and education, while the second half of the year will be used to dessiminate all the results of the EDIT project.
This introduced the second part of the meeting. As all the current partner showed their strong willingness to prolong their mutual cooperation, a solution had to be find as the EDIT project do not end at the same time for all the partners.
To solve this problem, the frame of an agreement for further collaboration was proposed to all the current partners. This agreement testifies the willingness of all EDIT partners to continue their mutual cooperation. It ensures also to the INDOGO partner that there will be further mutual cooperation with each other partner during the dessimination period of INDOGO unless the fact that for some of the other partners the EDIT project ended at the end of 1999. Christophe gave a reading of a draft text that had to be adapted to the remarks given by all partners involved. He will now rewrite this draft text and send it to all the partners before the end of this year. The partners must react at the rewrote agreement before the end of January 2000, in order that this agreement is signed by all the interested partners before the next meeting of april 2000 in Gent, Belgium. Br. Maurice Buyens added the remark that two representatives of every organisation need to sign the agreement in order to ensure the continuity of the agreement.
Ideas about new projects will be exchanged between partners from now on untill the 31th March 2000. This offers the possibility for the partners to prepare themselves for the next meeting which is scheduled in Gent, Belgium from 1 till 2 April 2000. The purpose of this meeting is to discuss and finalise project proposals for the future.